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Blood Roses

Douglas Jackson / Mark Meadows
September 1939. A city ruled by fear. A population brutalised by restrictions and reprisals. Amid the devastation another hunter begins to prowl. What are a few more deaths amid scores of daily executions? Former chief investigator Jan Kalisz lives a dangerous double life forced to work with the occupiers as he gathers information for the fledgling Polish resistance. Even his family cannot be told his true allegiance. When the niece of a Wehrmacht general is found terribly mutilated Jan links the murder to other killings that are of less interest to his new overlords. Soon he finds himself on the trail of a psychopathic killer known as The Artist. But shunned as a Nazi collaborator can he solve the case before another innocent girl is taken?

  • Published by Isis Publishing Ltd
  • Fiction/Non-FictionFiction
  • Genre Thriller
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 1st August 2024
  • Duration 11 Hrs. 50 Mins.
  • ISBN 9781399180221